Thursday, July 11, 2013


    Amazing scottish drumming group that crushed a school talent show while wearing kilts!!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pixar Park Part 4:

Now we look at an attraction called Eve's plant search, a two story dark-ride based on Wall-E.

After loading we pass under an arch with pieces of trash engraved in it. We enter a large room filled to the ceiling with block of Wall-E's trash cubes. We pass Wall-E himself compacting trash as we turn the corner and spot a green plant sticking out of the trash. After moving around a tall pile of trash cubes we see EVE, asleep with the plant inside of her. We come to her spaceship and enter. The room goes dark and the floor shakes as we go up to the second floor. We exit into a bright hallway filled with sleeping models of EVE. As we are about to turn the corner we pass EVE with the plant inside her. We go through a hallway with all the people floating around on their chairs, dodging out of the way, and pass a large crowd of rouge robots, before we exit the space ship and fly into space, dancing with Wall-E and EVE. We re-enter the spaceship and find the Captain fighting with Axle, the steering wheel. Suddenly the ship lurches and we begin sliding across the floor as EVE, Wall-E, and the Captain are desperately fighting to put the plant in the plant detection device. We enter a sliding door and are brought back down to the first floor where we pass Wall-E, EVE, and the Captain gardening with many children. We pass through another arch, this time one with leaves engraved, and are at the unload station.

1st Floor
2nd Floor


Pixar Park Part 3: Andy's Neighborhood

Now we take a closer look at the attractions of Andy's Neighborhood, specifically the dark-ride Andy's Toy Story Adventure. 

After boarding your vehicle you enter an oversized toy box, in which you are spun around. You exit into a dark hallway with the characters of Toy Story gathered around you. After passing a window with Sid looking in and laughing evily you enter another toy box that spins you around. You exit into a large air duct. You turn a corner and come face to face with Emperor Zurg. He lights up and begins to come towards you and you speed backwards, out of the duct. As you enter a new dark hallway Al's hand comes down next to you with his face appearing eerily above you but you get out of the way in time. You slow down and pass the new characters of Toy Story 2. You back into another toy box, which spins you around again. You exit, facing fowards, into another hallway filled with the new charcters of Toy Story 3. You enter another toy box at the end of the hallway, and after getting spun around you enter a hallway with large windows, giving you views of scenes from the different Toy Story Toons (there is room for more windows for additionals short films). You enter the final toy box, and after exiting you find yourself back at the unload station.

Pixar Park Part 2: The Lands

Welcome back! In this article we will take a look at signs for each land of Pixar Park. Enjoy!

(This appears again because there is only one poster for the two lands, both of which are themed after the incredibles)

Check in next time as we take a closer look at some of the lands

Pixar Park Part 1: Overview

Welcome to

A theme park based around Pixar's many movies

Check back in for a more detailed look at the lands!