Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Alice in Wonderland: The Ride

These are my designs for a dark-ride based in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.

First up is my first version of the poster.

 I then realized that I was missing the iconic door, and soon added it in place of the giant mushroom.

Next up is the logo.

And here is the walk-through of the ride:
As you enter the Queue line, you walk through a garden, with the White Rabbit popping out of flower beds. You pass a gazebo with Hamish proposing to Alice. You procede to enter a hedge maze. After a few back and forth folds of the line, you enter a clearing with a large, dead, hollow, tree stump. You go through a hole in the stump.

After you enter the hole in the stump, you walk down a spiraling ramp with spinning objects suspened in the air around you. When you reach the bottom, you are ushered through a doorway by a member of the White Queen's court. 

After going through the door, you find yourself in a room resembling the hall of doors. As the door closes, the ceiling gets farther away and the doors stretch far above your head. The lights go out, come back on, and there is a door, at the perfect height, that wasn't there before. You exit the room and find yourself in an overgrown topiary garden with Alice in her "greeting committee" scatered around the area. The ride vehicles come around a corner and you board yours. It takes you around the garden and through a gate, into the mushroom forest. You pass through the forest, speeding up when a red knight jabs at you, slowing down, and speeding up again, then again slowing down. You pass under and through Absolem's mushroom, into the forest, with the Cheshire Cat appearing and disapearing. You turn into a clearing where the tea party is set up, and you are lifted onto the table, where the lights fade off and black light is used on the now giant tea cups.

As the lights come back on, you are spinning around a spining hat. You leave the hat and are in the Red Queen's croquete grounds. You pass under Um/Alice's head and are in the Red Queen's throne room. You leave that room and enter the Bandersnatch's Hut. From there you go onto the Red Queen's balcony above the blood moat, and then onto the White Queen's balcony, overlooking her long driveway. From ther you enter her throne room, and then her outdoor patio with mushrooms. From there you enter the batlefeid and dodge all the people's swords.

After leaving the battlefield, you beging spiraling up a tower, with friends positioned in archways, waving to you. At the top, you pass Alice battling the Jabberwocky. Your vehicle procedes up a ramp.

You come out through the hollow tree stump, and wind your way through the heges. You pass the flower beds with the White Rabbit popping up, and Alice telling Hamish she can't marry him in the gazebo. After exiting your vehicle, it turns and once again enters the hedge maze, through a different entrance, where it will travel to the end of the queue line.

 Lastly, here is the key to all the symbols and images you see in the layout.


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